Tuesday 22 October 2013

Black Sesame Cold Tofu

假日和孩子去逛逛!许久没“败”书!尤其“食谱”!自从患上“网络”病毒每天电话,I Pad , PC 都不离手。总爱看美美、超级吸引的无论吃、喝、玩乐!今天难得到来新的书局。手开始痒了!选了好几本全中文,告诉自己要开始利用英语了!能够怪谁呢!自己不努力。。。最后挑了Bilingual Recipes !

  • 食譜來自: 新之味 XIN FLAVOURS 's recipe No.7 September - October 2011 

Bird's Nest and Black Sesame Cold Tofu

1.2 公升 清水
160 克 白糖
3 克 燕菜絲
25 克 魚膠粉
1 公升 豆奶
2 茶匙 黑芝麻茸( 或2茶匙抹茶粉 )
150 克 濃縮冰糖燕窩 ( 個人喜好 )

做法 :-
1- 用小鍋煮熟清水,加入白糖攪煮至滾,加入燕菜絲和魚膠粉煮至溶。
2- 接著倒入豆奶攪勻後濾出,半熱溫時加入黑芝麻茸/抹茶粉拌勻。
3- 把混合物倒入方形平盤中,并放入冰箱待涼凝固。
4- 把凝固的凍豆腐,用小刀切成小方塊,分別盛入甜品碗,加入濃縮冰糖燕窩一起享用即可。


Ingredients :-
1.2l water
160g sugar
3G agar-agar strips
25g gelatin powder
1l soy bean milk
2tsp ground black sesame seeds ( 2 tsp matcha powder ) 
150g concentrated bird's nest with rock sugar ( optional )

Method :-

1- ) Heat water in a pot . Stir in sugar and bring to a boil . Add agar-agar strips and gelatin powder , and cook until dissolved .
2-) Pour in soy bean milk , mix well and strain . Leave to cool until lukewarm. Add ground black sesame seeds ( matcha powder ) and mix well.
3-) Pour mixture into a square tray and chill in fridge.
4-) Use a small knife to cut cold tofu into small pieces. Arrange in a dessert bowl and add concentrated bird's nest . Serve.

Tips :
* You may substitute sow's milk for soy bean milk for a richer texture.
* By straining the mixture, the tofu will taste smoother.
* Besides ground black sesame seeds, you can also use green tea powder to create a new variety of taste .


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