Wednesday 5 February 2014

Fried Pineapple

A very simple and quickly dessert - Fresh Pineapple Fried in Butter.



1 Crystal Pineapple
40g / 3 tbsp. Butter
1 tbsp. Desiccated coconut
4 tbsp. Brown sugar 
4 tbsp. Fresh lime juice

1. Using a Sharp knife,  cut the top off the pineapple and Peel off the skin, taking care to remove the eyes.
2. Cut the pineapple in half and remove and discard the woody core. Cut the flesh lengthways into 1cm or 1/2 in wedges.
3. Heat the butter in a pan.  When it has melted, add the pineapple wedges and cook over a medium heat for 1-2 minutes on each side,  or until they have turned pale golden color. 
4. Meanwhile,  dry-fry the desiccated coconut in a small frying pan until lightly browned. Remove the pan from the heat and set aside.
5. Sprinkle the soft light brown sugar into the pan with the pineapple,  add the lime juice and cook, stirring constantly,  until the brown sugar has dissolved. 
6. Divide the pineapple wedges among four small plates , sprinkle with the coconut.

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