Thursday 13 March 2014

Sesame Prawn Toast




Ingredients 1

Black & white sesame : as required
White bread : 8 pc

Ingredients 2

Prawn : 200 gm ( shelled & deveined )
Garlic : 2 cloves ( optional )
Onion : 1/2 medium
Salt to taste

Ingredients 3

Oil to deep fry

Method :

Place the bread slices on a flat surface and cut roundels with a cookies cutter .Wrong ingredients 2 to a coarse paste and transfer into a bowl .

Heat sufficient oil in a deep pan . Spread the paste on bread ( tofu pok as picture ) and dab them with folk . Spread sesame seeds on a plate , prawn side facing downwards so that the sesame seeds cover the prawn paste completely .

Gently slide these into the hot oil and deep fry till golden and crisp.  Drain on observant paper . Arrange them on a serving plate serve with tomato ketchup or my lovely curry chicken !

I am linking this post to Little Thumbs Up


The theme for March 2014 is Prawn 

Hosted by Moon from Food Playground

Sunday 9 March 2014

Pasar Malam biskut udang , Malaysia night market fried prawn biscuit


Pasar malam 炸虾饼

在乡村住遇到pasar malam ( malaysia night market ) 一定会有卖这一到香脆虾饼!
嫁到马六甲却和老公住在城市去夜市就少了!之后又在搬家到Cheras 和老公去pasar malam又被我遇见了"它"的存在!但味道却不必乡村的来的美味香脆!拨电给妈妈叫她向卖这虾饼的安迪拿食谱(心想大概有点困难,人家也是自己的家传吗!)没想到第二晚妈妈来电(有点紧张)你拿着纸跟笔哦!哇!开心噢!笑从心里发出来!

1杯 蛋糕粉 
1/2小匙 盐 
1大匙 江鱼仔粉 **
1大匙 占米粉 / 玉米粉
1/2 杯 韭菜**
1大匙 食油
12只 软壳小虾




做法 :

除了虾将所有的食材放进大碗搅拌均匀, 中火温油将搅拌好的面糊舀一勺入圆扁的模型勺子(这模型Sara没有买到,改用小型平底煎盘)以温火满煎炸在面糊还是生的时候放上2只小虾或更多。面糊边开始金黄以大火逼油炸至金或熟,捞起。将其他面糊重复以上动作炸完全部面糊。


2 大匙 瓶子甜的辣椒酱
2 大匙 温水
1 小匙细糖



时间多的是煮了bubur char char 摸摸扎扎!

2个 ( 拳头般大的 ) 红肉,白肉,紫色蕃薯
1/2个 芋头 ( 泰国 )
1/4 小个 南瓜
400ml 浓椰浆
1 lit 水
8 片 斑斓叶
3 大匙  糖

做法 :
1- 所有薯类,芋头和南瓜去皮切丁洗净用冷水浸泡备用。
2- 斑斓叶洗净将叶子中间撕开打结放入锅中倒进1公升的水煮沸。
4- 食用时舀2匙的浓椰浆在bubur char char 的表面会更加香浓。